Most of the time, I try to hide it. It doesn't bode well in a sea of left brainers. They are all buzzing along in analytical and strategic mode when the right brainer throws out a creative idea. Then ... silence. Followed by furrowed brows and more silence. They just don't get us.
But every now and then, I meet someone who speaks my language. (And, of course, mid-conversation with them, I have an Ally McBeal moment where I envision myself as a flower child, skipping and dancing through a daisy field. Happy, happy. Joy, joy.) Suddenly, I have been redeemed. I'm not the only alien on this planet. Then the conversation clicks and we're off ... brainstorming creative ideas, new partnerships, trailblazing. That happened a couple of times this week.
Today, I finally caught up with my PR friend "L," local media guru, extraordinaire. She is on fire. We met back in march on a media mission she organized. Between appointments and Chicago taxi rides, I learned so much from her. (She's a Renaissance woman--possessing the best skills of both the right and left brain worlds.) Her passion for PR/marketing/blogging and twittering is contagious. By the time I got home this evening, I had ideas for two new (additional) blogs and several story ideas.
Yesterday, I met with a local videographer at Starbucks. (We'd postponed once earlier in the week, due to a sudden emergency with his daughter.) Within 10 minutes of conversation, I'd learned about his four kids (including his eye-watering, heart wrenching story about his daughter), his son's band (they are on tour), his friends in the industry (one is my baby sis!) and how all his kids are "cursed with right brains" like he and his wife. After we talked families, community and dreams, we brainstormed some great marketing partnership ideas.
As we were leaving, he told me a story about a Halloween party that he and his wife were invited to when they first moved to a nearby (affluent, conservative) community. Seems they dressed up as Adam and Eve, complete with full skin-toned body suits, fig leaves and a rubber snake. They rang the doorbell to find a house full of party guests ... none of whom were in costume. Silence. Followed by furrowed brows and more silence. The right brainers have arrived.
As we were leaving, he told me a story about a Halloween party that he and his wife were invited to when they first moved to a nearby (affluent, conservative) community. Seems they dressed up as Adam and Eve, complete with full skin-toned body suits, fig leaves and a rubber snake. They rang the doorbell to find a house full of party guests ... none of whom were in costume. Silence. Followed by furrowed brows and more silence. The right brainers have arrived.