Then we moved to the (old) farmhouse where he sat on another concrete step. There he held a little fishing pole that T had created. One day, the dog knocked Porch Boy over and his head broke off at the neck. (T cemented it back on.)
He moved with us again a few years later. He sat on the back stoop, overseeing the menagerie of stone angels, bunnies and statues in the garden. As winter approached that first year, I remembered to put him (and the other stone critters) away in the garage so as to avoid the potential for more broken body parts due to the lethal combination of frozen-concrete-against-frozen-concrete. And there he stayed (forgotten) for a couple of years.
I came home from work one night this week and there he was on the porch again, sitting on the old church bench. Holding a mini-pumpkin. Smiling. I knew the two "old boys" had found each other again.