So, I found a muted checked blazer, black skirt and shell ... and decided (last night) I'd make a new necklace for myself. Now, I'd been thinking about this new (prototype) design for sometime. And, if I can brag for a minute--it really came together nicely! I love it! I actually felt really good all day--because I was so proud of how cool it turned out. I used three different kinds of gold chain, then beaded three sections of vintage (costume) pearls--each centered by a pretty amber colored vintage cut glass bead. I added some chandelier earring findings to connect the sections and two charms---a filigree heart (Past Perfect Style) and cross (props to my fav Jewish carpenter.) It's long enough to double ... or wear as one long strand. I paired it with my Mommy's old pearls from her high school days. Feelin' groovy! Watch for more of these coming soon!