09 September 2008

Mixing It up

Big meeting at work today. It was the kind where you need to dress like a true professional. If you've read any of my past posts, I'm sure you realize this can pose a big challenge for me. I'm just not an "in the box" kinda girl. It's really hard for me to dress like every other professional woman. There's this little bitty rebel streak in me (creativity?) that makes me want to mix things up a bit. I can usually minimize this so that it's not too obvious.

So, I found a muted checked blazer, black skirt and shell ... and decided (last night) I'd make a new necklace for myself. Now, I'd been thinking about this new (prototype) design for sometime. And, if I can brag for a minute--it really came together nicely! I love it! I actually felt really good all day--because I was so proud of how cool it turned out. I used three different kinds of gold chain, then beaded three sections of vintage (costume) pearls--each centered by a pretty amber colored vintage cut glass bead. I added some chandelier earring findings to connect the sections and two charms---a filigree heart (Past Perfect Style) and cross (props to my fav Jewish carpenter.) It's long enough to double ... or wear as one long strand. I paired it with my Mommy's old pearls from her high school days. Feelin' groovy! Watch for more of these coming soon!