We all have different ideas of what will make us happy and it usually includes a few unspoken ... if onlys. "If only I had more money. If only we could do thi

On the way to MD, we stopped at the beautiful Youghiogheny overlook. I was thinking, had I interpreted this beautiful name with a crude phonetic pronunciation like "You-Go-Gainy" on Friday, then I might have sensed a little foreshadowing of the attitude-du-weekend. Seems like we (and I'm referring to my little family only, here) had this attitude that --- because we were in this affluent area of many people's second/third vacation homes ... we somehow deserve something like this too. (Never mind that we had to pack a cooler of food and charge the gas to even get there.)
So instead of enjoying, we
were complaining about what we don't have. I think the mounting frustration over our lack of money and doom-and-gloom national economy had been building. The media's total immersion of political pea soup of late (and T's overdose of late night talk radio) haven't been helping.
So instead of enjoying, we

So, in hindsight (and regret) for my whiny-ness, I think it's important to note what I did "gainy" this weekend:
- Some much needed family time together
- One really nice walk in the woods with T and one to the lake with K
- The ability to visit this breathtaking part of the country
- A free place to stay (courtesy of Genie B and friends)
- The opportunity to take some great pictures
- A really nice dinner out (also courtesy of Genie B)
- Time to watch favorite old classic movies like "Peyton Place" on cable from the luxury of a big, comfy bed
- The chance to see some gorgeous homes
- Inspiration for my dreams
- Time to discover cool new places like Schoolhouse Earth (separate post to come on this)
- Some time with my little Peeps & Sissy
- Some quiet, rest and relaxation (and time to read two entire magazines!)