03 September 2008

Pirate's Booty

Sooz and I hit the flea markets on Labor Day, starting early to avoid the heat of the day (which caught up with us anyway). I stuck to my mental list of things I "needed" (a relative term for a packrat). I snagged two adorable tiny wood & metal school chairs (fit for preschoolers) for $5 each; a ceramic "hand" mold from a glovemaker; and this little loving cup ... as well as the 50 cent beads (for Past Perfect Design repurposing, of course). Sooz found a $3 jewelry box filled with goodies (which another vendor was coveting); tons of vintage bangles (she says these fly out of her shop); and plenty of other goodies I can't remember.

My rule is, "For everything that comes into the house, something of equal size and value must leave it." I even checked out a "Clear the Clutter" book from the library to help with my junk addiction--which Sooz so observantly noted is under a pile of papers on my kitchen table. One step forward ... two steps backward. My friend LB and I have recently formed the Official club for folks like us ... The OSF, TSB Club. I'm CEO. Let me know if you want to become a member.